Who was your most influential teacher? Why?

I have had several influential teachers.

Let’s start with Kay and Jan Shinol! Kay would tell me “you can’t do it wrong.” Basically, we are all just making it up as we go along. It’s a reminder to go easy on ourselves. Every decision we made was because of all of the information we had at the time. It’s easy to look back and wish we did things differently but that’s because we have more information now.  We learn from every experience. In that time, we acted based on the information we had…on our experiences up until that moment. So go gentle.

Jan taught me to stop pointing my fingers at others. He helped me to look honestly at myself and what I was choosing to do or not do. He helped me see that I was responsible for my own happiness. So he helped me take charge of my life and my own joy.

Shannon from Portland taught me that my only requirement in life was to show up. When I would go on and on about my fears, he would stop me and remind me that it didn’t really matter. Fear of success, fear of failure, so what? Just show up. Keep it simple.

Maureen Christopher was my first real teacher/mentor on this amazing journey. She showed me how empowered I really could be. When I started to go down a dark path, because of something a “healer” said to me, she reminded me I didn’t need to stay there. I was in a dark place because that was where my focus was.  She reminded me that I didn’t need to entertain those thoughts if I didn’t want to. I was amazed and hadn’t really considered I had a choice.

“I could just shift my focus?” I asked her.

“Yes you can!” She declared. So right then and there, I changed my perception and my days felt bright again. It was empowering to learn that I get to decide what I want to take in or not.

Gerry Starnes showed me that my marriage didn’t need to fit in a defined box. He encouraged me to create the kind of relationship I wanted, or needed.

I have had so many teachers and mentors who have helped empower and guide me on my journey of self discovery. 

There are others close to me who also stand out because they remind me I’m enough, just as I am. In addition, they ask the right questions. They encourage me to step away from victimhood and take a solid look at me:

What is it bringing up? What needs addressing? Who am I and what do I want?

We are generally guided to certain people at the right time, at the right place, when we are ready for the message. I am forever grateful for those who have crossed my path, enriching my life in so many ways.

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Kim Hiles, Author